Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Police Reform and its Effect on the Criminal Justice System

Police reform is a hot topic and “buzzword” in today’s society. While many are calling for significant police reform, others feel the police are doing their job just fine and many of the issues involving police are “manufactured” to support one particular point of view. Regardless of how you feel, one state, the state of Maryland is moving forward with big changes in policing and sentencing.
Just a few days ago, the Maryland General Assembly created new procedures for police training and accountability. In the following article by Ovetta Wiggins, Josh Hicks, and Fenit Nirappil, which appeared in the Washington Post they explain the details.

“Police and Sentencing Reform Pass, Tax-Relief Fails in Annapolis
The Maryland General Assembly approved sweeping changes in criminal sentencing policies and adopted broad new police training and accountability procedures Monday, the final day of the state’s annual legislative session. Lawmakers hailed both bills as major reforms that would significantly alter how criminals are punished and how the public interacts with police.
“It’s a meaningful step,” Larry Stafford, executive director of Progressive Maryland, said of the police bill, which passed the House and then the Senate with about an hour left until the end of the annual legislative session. “There will have to be more steps in the future.” Advocates were disappointed that the bill does not give civilian review boards independent investigative powers. But Stafford said he was pleased with other areas of the bill, including an investment in community policing and tax credits for police officers who live in the communities where they work.”

Many people say the state of Missouri, and the St. Louis, Mo area in particular need this type of reform. To see how recent police reform has affected bail bonds go here: The full article can be seen by clicking on the original article title above.
These reforms come at a time when many still distrust the police and often times seem to make claims that are contrary to substantiated evidence. Within days of the passing of this reform, According to an article in the Chicago Tribune by Deanese Williams-Harris, Alexis Myers and Jeremy Gorner, 16 year old African American was shot and killed by Chicago Police, once again prompting protests. After leading police on a chase, according to the report, the 16 year old male exited the car and a foot pursuit began. Shortly thereafter a confrontation began and the suspect was shot and killed by police.
Some family members said they found it hard to believe the 16 year old was carrying a gun, while the basis of the initial car stop seemed to be that the vehicle matched the description of one connected to an earlier shooting. It is reported that over 100 people responded to the scene for a vigil that was partly sponsored by the Chicago Black Lives Matters Group.

“Family Says Boy, 16, Fatally Shot By Cop Had Scrapes With Law But No Major Trouble
Karen Winters knows how easily boys are drawn to a life of violence in the Homan Square neighborhood. But she still can’t understand how her 16-year-old nephew ended up shot to death after allegedly confronting a Chicago police officer with a gun Monday evening. “Once again, we’re looking at environment, this community. How some of these young boys are just plagued with certain influences,” Winters said Tuesday. “But not to this extent, by no means.” Police say the officer shot Pierre Loury after stopping a car suspected of being connected to an earlier shooting.”


To read the entire story you can click on the title of the original article above.
While some people protest the actions of police, there is no doubt that they are still out there doing what they are paid to do. Many times the police are faced with cases and circumstances that involve the unthinkable, such as the case involving a male subject accused of raping, torturing, and killing of a therapy dog. As reported by Q13 Fox reporter David Rose, a suspect has been charged in this case and bail has been set at $50,000.00.

“Bail Set at $50,000 For Suspect in Rape, Killing of Therapy Dog in Thurston County
A suspect in the rape and killing of a 3-year-old pit bull mix is being held in Thurston County jail on $50,000 bail. James Leroy Evans is accused of first-degree animal cruelty. Investigators say he told them he killed the dog named Diamond because it killed his iguana. Diamond worked as an emotional support service dog for an 8-year-old boy. She had been temporarily staying with Evans who was a relative of the owner. He offered to watch her while the owner found permanent housing that allowed dogs.”

To read the full story click here

As you can see there are a lot of varying opinions surrounding the police and law enforcement in today’s society. Conversations about police practices, sentencing reform, bail bonds, and other law enforcement issues are everywhere. Whether you are pro police or anti police, police fill an important function in keeping citizens safe. Without the police you would have anarchy, and be living back in the days of the wild west.
Like in any job or profession there are always going to be some “bad apples.” Those individuals should be dealt with on an individual basis, and everyone in that profession should not be painted with a broad brush. Each circumstance that the police are involved in should be evaluated on a an individual basis.
It should be looked at based on evidence, and then letting the evidence speak for itself. Situations and evidence should not be influenced based upon how someone “feels,” or “believes” something to be.
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Police Reform and its Effect on the Criminal Justice System was first seen on

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